The Mortuary Assistant

Requesting an extra night shift at the morgue turned into a real nightmare for Valerie. His previous services to his partner left no doubt that he would cope. And today you will become the assistant to the employee of the ill-fated morgue.

The morgue is drawn at the highest level. There are gloves and all the necessary equipment for dissection. Do not forget about hygiene products and other devices such as scalpels or clamps. You have to cope with the usual work of this person, which in itself can be a horror for users.

Before you lies the body of your grandmother, on which you have to work. There is a whole list of things to do or learn here. An ordinary medical procedure will turn this night into an eternity long nightmare. Understand the purpose of different bottles and perform all the necessary manipulations so that the work is done efficiently.

Pick up a scalpel and make an incision. What’s happening? What are these sounds? The light goes out and your patient, who is not too lively, has completely disappeared. Before that, she left suspicious symbols on the walls and whispered something unintelligible. Where could the corpse have gone and is it normal? She will make you nervous when she disappears from the table. You will find it around the corner.

What is she up to and how to stop her now? Most importantly, how do you complete the autopsy procedure that you have to report to your partner? The Mortuary Assistant will teach you how to properly work in a morgue and never turn off the lights in the same room with….